Data for all cached tables is kept in a file named database. data, while text table data is kept in any delimited text file ( like CSV files) named by the set table source non-standard SQL statement. 所有缓存表的数据放在一个名为database.data的文件中,而文本表的数据则放在由settablesource非标准SQL语句命名的任意分隔文本文件(像CSV文件)中。
This type of task, where both source and target are within the same database, and transformations are not overly complex, is well suited to re-writing the job into a single SQL statement that can be executed wholly within the database engine. 这种类型的作业有一个特点,即源和目标在相同的数据库中,且执行的转换并不复杂,这种作业非常适合重新将作业编写成一条可以完全在数据库引擎中执行的SQL语句。
With the DECLARE CURSOR command, a cursor is defined that reads all data of the source table SALES using a trivial SELECT statement. 使用DECLARECURSOR命令定义一个游标,它使用SELECT语句读取源表SALES的所有数据。
After copying all rows in table SALES successfully to table SALES_TMP, the source table SALES can be dropped ( DROP TABLE statement). 在把SALES表中的所有行成功地复制到SALESTMP表之后,可以删除源表(DROPTABLE语句)。
Either way, the new bytecode is passed as a Java-like source code statement or block in a String. 不管是哪种情况,新的字节码都作为类Java的源代码声明或者String中的块传递。
Note that stepping in disassembly or mixed view is done by assembly instruction, whereas stepping in a source file is done by statement. 注意分别操作或者混合视图都是根据集合指南来完成的,尽管源文件的处理是通过声明来实现的。
A mapping group is comparable to a result set that you get with one selection of data from the source to receive federated data ( or one "select" statement). 一个映射组比用一个源数据选择出的结果更能达到联邦数据的要求(或者一个“选择”语句)。
Data source statement cache size specifies the number of prepared JDBC statements that can be cached per connection. 数据源语句缓存大小指定每次连接可以缓存的经过准备的JDBC语句的数量。
Inserting/ updating a target table from source table ( MERGE statement) 利用源表(sourcetable)插入/更新目标表(MERGE语句)
Each data source is then read by a simple SQL SELECT statement, and the join is completed within the InfoSphere DataStage process. 只通过简单的SQLSELECT语句对每个数据源进行读取,并且在InfoSphereDataStage流程之内完成连接。
Decide if the data will be read in from another source ( for example, a bank download statement). 决定数据是否可从其他资源读过来(比如,从银行下载的帐单)。
A statement, embedded in source language, that is to be replaced by a defined statement sequence in the same source language. 嵌入在源语言中的一种语句,它将被已经用相同源语言定义的语句串所替代。
With an assembler, each source statement is converted to a single machine-level instruction. 对于汇编程序,每一个源语句都转换成一条机器指令。
An interpreter, on the other hand, works with one source statement at a time, reading it, translating it to machine-level, executing the resulting binary instructions, and then moving on to the next source statement. 另一方面,解释程序每次只对一个源语句操作,读入它,把它转换成机器指令,执行被转换成的二进制指令,然后继续下一条源语句。
The vast expansion of the Fed's balance sheet in recent months arguably represents a far more significant source of systemic risk to our nation's economy than the failure of any specific financial institution, said the Republican congressional leadership in a recent statement. 共和党国会领袖在最近的声明中曾表示:相对于任何特定金融机构的失败,最近几个月美联储资产负债表的大幅扩张,可以说是我们国家经济系统性风险'的一个更大的源头。
"Steve's brilliance, passion and stamina were the source of innumerable innovations namely enrich and cultivate entire of our lives," Apple said in a statement. 史蒂夫的优秀才能,他的热情以及活力是无数使我们的生活更美好的发明之源。
Assembler: A progamming language in which one mnemonic source statement is coded for each machine-level instruction. 汇编语言:一种编程语言,每一条助记符源语句都对应一条机器指令。
In a source window, right-click on the statement you want to execute next and choose set next statement from the shortcut menu. 在源窗口中,右击要执行的下一条语句,然后从快捷菜单中选择“设置下一语句”。
Cleanup work has almost finished and the source of the spill has been identified and brought under control, the statement said. 声明说:溢出的来源已经被确定并在掌控下,清理工作几乎已经完成了。
Translating and executing each source language statement of a computer program before translating and executing the next statement. 翻译和执行计算机程序中的一条源语句之后,再翻译和执行下一条语句的过程。
When set to1, select statements are run directly without using database cursors, and the data source is limited to one active statement. 设置为1时,select语句可在不使用数据库游标的情况下直接运行,而数据源限于一个活动语句。
Source of Financial Statement Analysis 财务报表分析的信息来源
Evaluate a string as if it were a source code statement at runtime. 评估字符串仿佛那是一个源代码在运行时的发言。
To get this information, use the name of the queue as the source table of a select statement. 若要获取此信息,请将队列的名称用作select语句的源表。
That same disk might hold other source programs and even routines written by other programmers, It's good example of a source statement library ( Fig.7.6). 同一磁盘可以保存其它一些源程序甚至其他程序员所写的一些程序。源语句库的例子就是一个很好的说明(图7.6)。
With a compiler, a given source statement may be converted to any number of machine-level instructions. 但对于编译程序,一个源语句可以转换任意数目的机器指令。
In addition, "the water source heat pump is a kind of water Air heat pump" statement the getting more inaccurate too, in fact, water of water source heat pump can adopt the form which water Air heat pump or water water heat pump. 此外,水源热泵是一种水空气热泵的说法也不确切,事实上,水源热泵可以采用水空气热泵形式,也可以采用水水热泵形式。
Every single word, if traced to its source, is transformed from our natural world. In addition, we can also find the linguistic support of this statement. 每个词语,如果追根溯源,都是由某种物质性的状态转借而来的。另外,这一点还可以从语言学方面找到理论支持。
The first chapter for introduction, research significance, the research of this paper source, research purpose, innovation of related research theory and comprehensive statement. 第一章为绪论,对本文的研究意义、研究来源、研究目的、创新之处及相关研究理论进行综合性陈述。